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Q: Is there a particular challenge you are currently facing? (Question from “Bold Journey”)

With Jennifer Cox at the World Premier of “Barbara Rachko: True Grit” at the 2023 Newport Beach Film Festival
With Jennifer Cox at the World Premier of “Barbara Rachko: True Grit” at the 2023 Newport Beach Film Festival

A: Yes! It’s one that has been unresolved for a few years now, but I just keep working on it.  Now I have a new and valuable tool.  A short documentary, “Barbara Rachko: True Grit” tells the story of my life and work.  Our film recently premiered at the Newport Beach Film Festival in California, where we won the Audience Award and the Best in Category Award. You can view it here.

The online audience for my paintings keeps steadily growing.  I am represented by galleries in the UK, India, Sweden, and in the US.  However, I do not have commensurate gallery representation in New York City, the world’s art capital, and New York is where I live and work.  I hope to change this situation very soon!

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